Results for 'Oslo-J. PiagEtt Genève'

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  1. Correspondants étrangers.A. J. AyErt, Oxford-G. Calogerot Roma-Fb Fitcht, Th Kotarbinskit, Varsovie-A. NaEss & Oslo-J. PiagEtt Genève - 1999 - Logique Et Analyse 42:200.
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    The Utopian City : The Origin and Genesis of the International Center for Genetic Epistemology.Marc J. Ratcliff - 2019 - Philosophia Scientiae 23:11-34.
    De 1950 à 1955, le psychologue et épistémologue suisse Jean Piaget s’attelle à la création d’un nouveau lieu de savoir à Genève, le Centre International d’Épistémologie Génétique. Ce Centre fait aboutir un projet de jeunesse de Piaget, dont les fondements théoriques sont donnés dans son ouvrage de 1950 en trois volumes, l’Introduction à l’épistémologie génétique. Mais il y a loin de la théorie à la réalisation pratique. Pour cela, pris dans un mouvement allant de Genève vers l’étranger, dès (...)
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  3. L'imposture scientifique du "mateŕialisme historique" allemand (marxisme).J. Genevès - 1957 - Bordeaux, Éditions Bière:
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    Archives de Psychologie. 1902, n os 3, 4 et 5 (Genève).J. Philippe - 1903 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 56:107-108.
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    Notice généalogique et historique sur la famille mallet de genève, originaire de rouen.W. T. J. Gun - 1931 - The Eugenics Review 22 (4):286.
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    Science based activism: festschrift to Jorgen Randers.Jørgen Randers, Per Espen Stoknes & Kjell A. Eliassen (eds.) - 2015 - Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.
    The pathway from scientific knowledge (based on data, models, and forecasts) to societal implications and policy advice is a perilous one. The shift from "is" to "ought" may be slippery in terms of climate, biodiversity, regulations, and business. Yet, what is to be done if one's research discloses that fellow humans are unwittingly carrying out destructive actions on a large scale? If they are unaware of the dynamics within which they are (or are in danger of becoming) imprisoned, is there (...)
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    Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy and the Social Sciences. Edited by Arne Naess. Volume 1, Number 1. Oslo: Oslo University Press, 1958. [REVIEW]S. M. J. - 1958 - Philosophy of Science 25 (4):309-310.
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  8. Rencontres internationales de Genève: « Le Robot, la Bête et l'Homme ».Roger Caillois, Stanislaw Ulam, Jacques Monod, J. de Ajuriaguerra, Guido Calogero & R. P. Niel - 1966 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 21 (4):566-566.
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    Moore Willis. The indexical and the presentative functions of signs. Philosophy of science, vol. 9 , pp. 367–371.Bergmann Gustave. Discussion. Philosophy of science, vol. 9 , pp. 372–374.Piaget Jean. Le rôle de la tautologie dans la composition additive des classes et des ensembles. Compte rendu des séances de la Société de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Genève , vol. 58 , pp. 102–107.Piaget Jean. Le groupement additif des classes. Compte rendu des séances de la Société de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Genève , vol. 58 , pp. 107–112.Piaget Jean. Le groupement additif des relations asymétriques et ses rapports avec le groupement additif des classes. Compte rendu des séances de la Société de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Genève , vol. 58 , pp. 117–122.Piaget Jean. Sur les rapports entre les groupements additifs des classes et des relations asymétriques et le groupe additif des nombres entiers. Compte rendu des séances de la Société de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de. [REVIEW]J. C. C. McKinsey - 1943 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 8 (2):57-58.
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    Die wêreldkonferensie van die wêreldraad van kerke oor kerk en gemeenskap, Geneve 1966.C. J. Mans - 1967 - HTS Theological Studies 23 (2).
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    Papyri Osloenses. Fasc. III. Edited by S. Eitrem and L. Amundsen. Pp. xi + 326, and (in a separate cover) 12 collotype plates. Oslo: Dybwad, 1936. Paper. [REVIEW]J. Enoch Powell - 1937 - The Classical Review 51 (02):85-.
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    La Méthode comparative en Linguistique historique. By A. Meillet. Pp. viii + 116 + 4. Oslo: H. Aschehoug and Co., 1925. [REVIEW]J. Fraser - 1926 - The Classical Review 40 (2):88-88.
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    Organizational Prevention and Management Strategies for Workplace Aggression Among Child Protection Workers: A Project Protocol for the Oslo Workplace Aggression Survey.Morten Birkeland Nielsen, Jan Olav Christensen, Jørn Hetland & Live Bakke Finne - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Literature and ethics: proceedings from the Symposium "Skjønnlitteratur og etikk," held at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Oslo, 23-24 April 1992.Bjørn J. Tysdahl (ed.) - 1992 - Oslo: Dept. of British and American Studies, University of Oslo.
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    Suetonius' Dedication to Septicius Clarus.J. D. Morgan - 1986 - Classical Quarterly 36 (02):544-.
    The recent revival of scholarly interest in Suetonius provides a good occasion to emend a long-standing crux in Joannes Lydus' description of Suetonius' dedication of his Vitae Caesarum to his friend the praetorian prefect Septicius Clarus. The codex unicus Caseolinus has Τράγκυλλος τοίνυν τος τν Καισάων βίους ν γράμμασιν † ποτίνων † Σεπτικί, ς ν παρχος τν πραιτωριανν σπειρν πì ατο. The conjectures ποτείνων by J. D. Fuss and ποτείνων by I. Bekker do little to improve the sense, and although (...)
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  16. (1 other version)Kant against the cult of genius: epistemic and moral considerations.Jessica J. Williams - 2021 - In Camilla Serck-Hanssen & Beatrix Himmelmann (eds.), Proceedings of the 13th International Kant Congress: The Court of Reason (Oslo, 6–9 August 2019). De Gruyter. pp. 919-926.
    In the Critique of Judgment, Kant claims that genius is a talent for art, but not for science. Despite his restriction of genius to the domain of fine art, several recent interpreters have suggested that genius has a role to play in Kant’s account of cognition in general and scientific practice in particular. In this paper, I explore Kant’s reasons for excluding genius from science as well as the reasons that one might nevertheless be tempted to think that his account (...)
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    Report on the Ninth European Network of Buddhist-Christian Studies Conference: "Hope: A Form of Delusion? Buddhist and Christian Perspectives".Elizabeth J. Harris - 2012 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 32:135-137.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Report on the Ninth European Network of Buddhist-Christian Studies Conference:"Hope: A Form of Delusion? Buddhist and Christian Perspectives"Elizabeth J. Harris, President of the NetworkCan we hope in a world that is shot through with suffering? Should hope be shunned as a form of attachment? Should we affirm our hope or let go of it? And, if we embrace hope, what should we hope for and what can inspire us? (...)
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    Asylbarn og menneskeverd: Etiske refleksjoner med utgangspunkt i erfaringer fra Helsesenteret for papirløse migranter.Sturla J. Stålsett - 2012 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 2 (2):23-37.
    Asylbarns status og rettigheter i Norge er i kritisk søkelys. En særlig utsatt gruppe er barn av papirløse foreldre som fødes på norske sykehus. Med bakgrunn i Kirkens Bymisjons arbeid med denne gruppen, argumenterer jeg i denne artikkelen for at slike eksempler viser at norsk offentlig politikk overfor disse barna tenderer mot å gradere og dermed underminere deres grunnleggende menneskeverd, slik dette blant annet kommer til uttrykk i barnekonvensjonens krav om hensynet til barnets beste. Ved hjelp av Judith Butlers tenkning (...)
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    Dialogens betingelserHallvard J. Fossheim, Dialog. En filosofisk tilnærming. Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2022.Heine A. Holmen - 2023 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 41 (1):561-572.
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    Limited Coping Skills, Young Age, and High BMI Are Risk Factors for Injuries in Contemporary Dance: A 1-Year Prospective Study.Diana van Winden, Rogier M. van Rijn, Geert J. P. Savelsbergh, Raôul R. D. Oudejans & Janine H. Stubbe - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This study investigated potential risk factors (coping, perfectionism and self-regulation) for substantial injuries in contemporary dance students using a prospective cohort design, as high-quality studies focusing on mental risk factors for dance injuries are lacking. Student characteristics (age, sex, BMI, educational program and history of injury) and psychological constructs (coping, perfectionism and self-regulation) were assessed using the Performing artist and Athlete Health Monitor (PAHM), a web-based system. Substantial injuries were measured with the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center (OSTRC) Questionnaire (...)
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    MAURICE, D.; MONTANGERO, J. (eds.), Équilibre et équilibration dans l'oeuvre de J. Piaget et au regard de courants actuels, Cahiers de la Fondation Archives J. Piaget, nº 12, Genève, 1992. [REVIEW]Jesús Martínez Velasco - 1993 - Anuario Filosófico 26 (3):747-748.
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    Likvidasjonen av jødisk eiendom under lupenBeritReiselHvor ble det av alt sammen?Plyndringen av jødene i Norge.Oslo: Forlaget Press 2021.SynneCorellLikvidasjonen.Historien om holocaust i Norge og jakten på jødenes eiendom.Oslo: Gyldendal 2021. [REVIEW]Einar Lie - 2024 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 42 (1-2):407-413.
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  23. Jean-Daniel Causse, La haine et l'amour de Dieu, Genève. Labor et Fides, 1999, 276 p.(Lieux théologiques 33), ISBN 2-8309-0928-3. Cette thèse de doctorat est passionnante. J.-D. Causse a l'audace de reprendre un poncif chrétien, l'affirmation de l'amour de Dieu, pour en montrer l'ambiguïté et les obscurités, jusqu'à identifier une «haine de Dieu» sous le masque de. [REVIEW]G. Siegwalt - 2001 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 81:123.
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  24. Discours Qui a Remporté le Prix À l'Académie de Dijon En l'Année 1750, Sur Cette Question... Si le Rétablissement des Sciences & des Arts a Contribué À Épurer les Moeurs, Par Un Citoyen de Genève [J.J. Rousseau].Jean Jacques Rousseau & Claude Nicolas Le Cat - 1751
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    Einar‐Arne Drivenes;, Harald Dag Jølle . Norsk polarhistorie. 3 volumes. 1,639 pp., illus., figs., bibl., index. Oslo: Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, 2004. NKr 1,295, $206. [REVIEW]Peder Anker - 2005 - Isis 96 (4):662-662.
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    To referanseverk om likvidasjonen av jødene i NorgeSynne Corell, Likvidasjonen. Historien om holocaust i Norge og jakten på jødenes eiendom. Oslo: Gyldendal 2021. Berit Reisel, «Hvor ble det av alt sammen?» Plyndringen av jødene i Norge. Oslo: Forlaget Press 2021. [REVIEW]Ståle Dingstad - 2022 - Agora 40 (2-3):460-469.
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    Arne Næss. Nokre elementære logiske emne . 1. nynorske utg. Mimeographed. Universitetets Studentkontor, Oslo 1949, 91 pp. - E. J. E. Huffer. Logistiek en wetenschapsleer . Tijdschrift voor philosophie, vol. 11 , pp. 100–116. - R. Feys. Logica en wijsbegeerte van de wiskunde . Tijdschrift voor philosophie, vol. 13 , pp. 303–314. - John Oulton Wisdom. Foundations of inference in natural science. Methuen & Co., London 1952, x + 240 pp. - Charles E. Bures. A critique of Hayakawa's ‘Language in thought and action.’ ETC.: A review of general semantics, vol. 9 no. 1 , pp. 35–43. - S. I. Hayakawa. Reply to Professor Bures. ETC.: A review of general semantics, vol. 9 no. 1 , pp. 43–50. - Anonymous. Inexhaustible. The New Yorker, 08 23, 1952, pp. 13–15. [REVIEW]Alonzo Church - 1952 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 17 (4):288-289.
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    Catalogue of Portraits of Naturalists, Mostly Botanists, in the Collections of the Hunt Institute, the Linnean Society of London, and the Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques de la Ville de Genéve. Michael T. Stieber, Anita L. Karg, Margot Walker, Gavin D. R. Bridson, Hervé M. Burdet, Marie M. Chautemps, Tina Moruzzi-BayoGuide to the Botanical Records and Papers in the Archives of the Hunt Institute, Part 2. Michael T. Stieber, Anita L. KargCatalogue of the Botanical Art Collection at the Hunt Institute. James J. White, Elizabeth R. Smith. [REVIEW]William Deiss - 1988 - Isis 79 (4):687-689.
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    Tynn arkivmappe – stor bokJan Alexander S.BrustadI limbo.Norge og de jødiske flyktningene 1933–1945.Oslo: Cappelen Damm 2023. [REVIEW]Ingjerd Veiden Brakstad - 2024 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 42 (1-2):423-435.
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    Jan Grootaers, Rome et Genève à la croisée des chemins (1968-1972). Un ordre du jour inachevé. Préface de Konrad Raiser, Genève-Paris, COE-Éd. du Cerf, 2006, 210 p. [REVIEW]Michel Deneken - 2007 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 81:276-277.
    L’Église catholique n’est pas membre du Conseil Œcuménique des Églises (COE). Cela ne laisse d’étonner et semble difficile à comprendre pour qui ne connaît pas l’ecclésiologie catholique. Si les raisons théologiques pour lesquelles l’Église catholique, sollicitée, a fini par refuser l’adhésion au COE, peuvent s’expliquer, les circonstances historiques qui ont conduit au refus étaient moins connues jusqu’à présent. Voici que l’ouvrage de J. Grootaers vient combler une lacune. Les historiens de..
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    C'est de l'homme que j'ai à parler: Rousseau et l'inégalité.Danielle Buyssens - 2012 - Gollion: Infolio. Edited by Christian Delécraz.
    4e de couv.: « C'est de l'homme que j'ai à parler »: ainsi commence le « Discours sur l'origine et les fondements de l'inégalité parmi les hommes » paru en 1755. Prise pour une invitation à suivre un Jean-Jacques Rousseau anthropologue, cette phrase a donné lieu à une exposition au MEG et à cet album. De Genève aux Amériques, en passant par la Suisse et par l'Orient, le parcours nous emmène sur les traces de Rousseau, en essayant de capter (...)
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    When Arne met J. L.: attitudes to scientific method in empirical semantics, ordinary language philosophy and linguistics.Siobhan Chapman - 2023 - Synthese 201 (4):1-20.
    In the autumn of 1959, Arne Naess and J. L. Austin, both pioneers of empirical study in the philosophy of language, discussed their points of agreement and disagreement at a meeting in Oslo. This article considers the fragmentary record that has survived of that meeting, and investigates what light it can shed on the question of why the two philosophers apparently found so little common ground, given their shared commitment to the importance of data in the study of language. (...)
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    Ett färgsprakande bidrag till judiskt liv i Norge.Hanna Nir - 2023 - Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies 34 (2):67-69.
    Recension av _Jødisk: Identitet, praksis og minnekultur _redigerad av Cora Alexa Døving (Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 2022). 344 s.
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    Logic Colloquium ’96: Proceedings of the Colloquium held in San Sebastián, Spain, July 9–15, 1996.Jesus M. Larrazabal, Daniel Lascar & Grigori Mints - 1998 - Springer.
    The 1996 European Summer Meeting of the Association of Symbolic Logic was held held the University of the Basque Country, at Donostia (San Se bastian) Spain, on July 9-15, 1996. It was organised by the Institute for Logic, Cognition, Language and Information (ILCLI) and the Department of Logic and Philosophy of Sciences of the University of the Basque Coun try. It was supported by: the University of Pais Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unib ertsitatea, the Ministerio de Education y Ciencia (DGCYT), Hezkuntza Saila (...)
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  35. Studies in the stream of consciousness: Experimental enhancement and suppression of spontaneous cognitive processes.J. S. Antrobus, Jerome L. Singer & Sean Greenberg - 1966 - Perceptual and Motor Skills 23:399-417.
  36. Adorno: Disenchantment and Ethics.J. M. Bernstein - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Theodor W. Adorno is best known for his contributions to aesthetics and social theory. Critics have always complained about the lack of a practical, political or ethical dimension to Adorno's philosophy. In this highly original contribution to the literature on Adorno, J. M. Bernstein offers the first attempt in any language to provide an account of the ethical theory latent in Adorno's writings. Bernstein relates Adorno's ethics to major trends in contemporary moral philosophy. He analyses the full range of Adorno's (...)
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  37. Reliable Knowledge: An Exploration of the Grounds for Belief in Science.J. M. Ziman - 1981 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 32 (3):311-314.
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  38. On using the multiverse to avoid the paradoxes of time travel.J. Abbruzzese - 2001 - Analysis 61 (1):36-38.
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  39. Levels indeed! A response to Broadbent.J. L. McClelland & D. E. Rumelhart - 1985 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 114:193-7.
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    Baumgarten's Aesthetics: Historical and Philosophical Perspectives.J. Colin McQuillan (ed.) - 2021 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    With contributions by leading scholars in the field, this book is the first collection in the English language devoted to Baumgarten’s aesthetics.
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    The Physical as the Nomalous.J. Goldwater - 2019 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 26 (5-6):65-88.
    I argue physicalism should be characterized as the thesis that all behavior is law-governed. This characterization captures crucial desiderata for a formulation of physicalism, including its broad import and worldview defining features. It also has more local virtues, such as avoiding Hempel’s dilemma. A particularly important implication, I argue, is that this thesis makes the question of the mind’s physicality turn on what the mind can do- rather than what experience is like.
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  42. (1 other version)The Subjectivity of Values.J. L. Mackie - 1997 - In Thomas L. Carson & Paul K. Moser (eds.), Morality and the good life. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    The Foundations of Arithmetic: A Logico-Mathematical Enquiry Into the Concept of Number.J. L. Austin (ed.) - 1950 - New York, NY, USA: Northwestern University Press.
    _The Foundations of Arithmetic_ is undoubtedly the best introduction to Frege's thought; it is here that Frege expounds the central notions of his philosophy, subjecting the views of his predecessors and contemporaries to devastating analysis. The book represents the first philosophically sound discussion of the concept of number in Western civilization. It profoundly influenced developments in the philosophy of mathematics and in general ontology.
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  44. No Problem: Evidence that the Concept of Phenomenal Consciousness is Not Widespread.J. Sytsma & E. Ozdemir - 2019 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 26 (9-10):241-256.
    The meta-problem is 'the problem of explaining why we think that there is a problem of consciousness' (Chalmers, 2018, p. 6). This presupposes that we think there is a problem in the first place. We challenge the breadth of this 'we', arguing that there is already sufficient empirical evidence to cast doubt on the claim. We then add to this body of evidence, presenting the results of a new cross-cultural study extending the work of Sytsma and Machery (2010).
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  45. Transparent disquotationalism.J. C. Beall - 2005 - In J. C. Beall & Bradley P. Armour-Garb (eds.), Deflation and Paradox. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 7–22.
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    Orthoimplication algebras.J. C. Abbott - 1976 - Studia Logica 35 (2):173 - 177.
    Orthologic is defined by weakening the axioms and rules of inference of the classical propositional calculus. The resulting Lindenbaum-Tarski quotient algebra is an orthoimplication algebra which generalizes the author's implication algebra. The associated order structure is a semi-orthomodular lattice. The theory of orthomodular lattices is obtained by adjoining a falsity symbol to the underlying orthologic or a least element to the orthoimplication algebra.
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  47. Doubt and Certainty in Science.J. Z. Young - 1952 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 3 (9):103-105.
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    Rigour and Reason: Essays in Honour of Hans Vilhelm Hansen.J. Anthony Blair & Christopher W. Tindale (eds.) - 2020 - University of Windsor.
    Built in the centre of Copenhagen, and noted for its equestrian stairway, the Rundetaarn, was intended as an astronomical observatory. Part of a complex of buildings that once included a university library, it affords expansive views of the city in every direction, towering above what surrounds it. The metaphor of the towering figure, who sees what others might not, whose vantage point allows him to visualize how things fit together, and who has an earned-stature of respect and authority, fits another (...)
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  49. Task unrelated thought whilst encoding information.M. J., F. S., M. Lowe & M. Obonsawin - 2003 - Consciousness and Cognition 12 (3):452-484.
    Task unrelated thought (TUT) refers to thought directed away from the current situation, for example a daydream. Three experiments were conducted on healthy participants, with two broad aims. First, to contrast distributed and encapsulated views of cognition by comparing the encoding of categorical and random lists of words (Experiments One and Two). Second, to examine the consequences of experiencing TUT during study on the subsequent retrieval of information (Experiments One, Two, and Three). Experiments One and Two demonstrated lower levels of (...)
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  50. Aristotelis: De Caelo.D. J. Allan (ed.) - 2005 - Oxford University Press UK.
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